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How Do I Know If My Home Needs New Piping?

Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing techs arrived for a new plumbing job in Fort Myers

The quality and the state of the pipes in your home ultimately determine your plumbing experience. If you have a quality plumbing system, you enjoy consistent water pressure and desirable water quality in your daily life. If, on the other hand, your piping is old or degraded, you’re likely dealing with a wide range of issues you need to address immediately.

The problem? Not every homeowner knows the signs that it’s time to replace their piping, but there are plenty of indications that the time has come to do just that.

Let’s take a closer look at how you know it’s time to get new piping for your home and how you can get the quality support you need to repipe your home safely and efficiently.

Determining Replacement Schedules by Plumbing System Materials

Much like with any other element of your home from your roof to your appliances, you likely have an idea of how long things tend to last before they need to be repaired or, in this case, replaced entirely.

It comes as no surprise that this applies to your pipes as well.

The material that your pipes are made of can give you a solid estimate as to how long they’ll last before you need to repipe your home.

Let’s say, for example, that you live in a home that has a plumbing system featuring pipes made from galvanized steel. Galvanized steel is one of the least durable materials to use in plumbing, with these pipes lasting anywhere from 20 to around 50 years.

Brass can last anywhere from 40 years to over 70, with cast iron and copper lasting well over 50 years or up to 100 years.

The most durable material is plastic, which can last until it encounters a serious issue that impacts its functionality.

Put simply, what your pipes are made out of can better help you determine whether or not it’s time to repipe your home.

If your pipes are reaching the end of their lifespan and you’re noticing some of the issues we discuss below, it may be time to get new pipes.

Major Signs That Your Pipes Are Compromised

Issues with your pipes are generally easy to identify.

This is good news for homeowners who want to make sure that they’re ready in case anything drastic happens to their plumbing. This way, they can tackle the issue as soon as it arises to prevent any further damage or problems.

Some of the most common plumbing issues caused by old and damaged pipes include:

  • Rattling and Banging Sounds: Pipes that make loud noises when you go to use the water in your home are often caused by problems with various connections or even the introduction of air to pipes. If your pipes creak, rattle, bang, or make any other sounds they’re not supposed to, it’s time to replace them.
  • Changes in Water Pressure: Changes in water pressure are not only frustrating but often a sign that pipes have become corroded and clogged. If your water pressure has left more to be desired recently, this could be an indication the pipes are at fault.
  • Leaks That Appear Throughout the Home: A leak here or there may not immediately raise alarm bells, but leaks throughout the home that are popping up everywhere are symptoms of something more serious happening with your plumbing system.
  • Changes in the Smell, Appearance, or Texture of the Water: While not always a sign that the pipes are at fault, issues with pipes can often cause your water quality to change. This often results in water that smells different due to various bacteria or chemicals making their way into the water from the pipes, water that tastes bad as a result, and water that has sediment either coming from damaged pipes that are letting sediment in or sediment being shed by the pipes themselves.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Correct Temperatures: Is it a struggle to get the right temperature when you use your shower or your faucets? Is it taking longer for your water to heat up? If there’s any issue with temperature regulation, it could point to issues with insulation or water flow caused by your pipes.

Start Your Home Repiping Project With Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing

Have you noticed any of the issues with your plumbing listed above? Do you know that you have pipes made from older materials that need to be replaced in your home? If so, Service Minds Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is here to help!

We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service, comprehensive diagnostics, and our repiping approach that outfits your home with pipes made from much more durable and long-lasting materials. Book an appointment with us today to get started!